Godmode AchievedReclusive Tendencies"They are your friends"Active item (8 seconds recharge time)
All small spiders in the room become charmed for 5 seconds.

For each Winged Spider present, a Chigger will be spawned at Isaac's location dealing 10% of Isaac's damage.

This item contributes towards the Spider Baby transformation. Collecting 3 items from this set will spawn a spider familiar that applies random status effects when it comes in contact with enemies.

This item contributes towards the Beelzebub transformation. Collecting 3 items from this set will grant Isaac flight, converts small enemy flies into Blue Flies, and permanently charms larger enemy flies.

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ANNOUNCEMENT The website has been updated with the changes introduced in patch v1.9.7.9 --- check out this video to see what's new! [dismiss]
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